(57) The references and the stories
of the Upnishads and the Puranas
are supernatural happenings.
Divine acts and the
Divine happenings are beyond material logic. There is no room for
quibbling ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ over there. They could be understood with a
pure heart and a sincere mind, willing to understand and accept the truth
of devotion to God.
All the happenings that are described in the Upnishads
or the Puranas are real and historical happenings. It is true that they
may not be fully intelligible to a material mind but no part of them is
unreal or imaginary. They are the true history of the entire
brahmand, not only of this earth planet, and they are meant for
the material souls of the world to show them the futility of the mayic
manifestations, the Divine greatness of the Sages and Saints, and the
path of bhakti.
The material reasonings are conditioned to, and based
upon, the limitations of material time and space, and the spot-existency
of an event. This is the reason that the happenings, that are beyond the
mayic sphere, cannot be intellectualized.
There are three dimensions (material, celestial and Divine) and two
kinds of space (material and celestial) in this brahmand.
Brahmand means the material and the celestial
creation of one single Brahma. Material creation consists of an earth
planet with a sun, moon and planetary system in the material space; and in
the celestial space, which is just next to it, there is a celestial
The topmost celestial abode called Brahm lok
belongs to the creator Brahma, and adjacent to it are the abodes of God
Shiv, Goddess Durga and God Vishnu. The abodes of Vishnu, Shiv and Durga
represent a branch of Vaikunth abode in the celestial space of this
Brahma with other celestial gods like, Indra (king of
the celestial abode and also god of rain, thunder and lightning), Vayu
(god of air), Agni (god of fire), Varun (god of water), Kuber (god of
wealth), Brihaspati (god of wisdom) and Prajapati (president of the gods’
kingdom) etc. represent the celestial creation. Material and celestial
creations are the two (material and celestial) dimensions of the material
power maya.
The Divine dimension is equally omnipresent in both of
the mayic dimensions. It includes all of the Divine forms and
abodes of God, but it is invisible to mayic souls and also to the
celestial beings.
The events described in our Upnishads and the Puranas are of seven
1. Happenings of the celestial abode in the celestial
dimension. They are like the stories of war
between demons and gods, or a certain demon terrorizing the celestial
abode, and also its related stories. The ocean churning event, or such
stories and events that involve Brahma, Indra, Rishis, Sage Narad, God
Shiv and God Vishnu etc.
2. Happenings of the celestial abode involving the
Divine dimension. Just like the description of Krishn’s descension in
the Garg Sanhita when God Vishnu, Brahma and other gods went to Golok to
seek the favor of Krishn to descend to the earth planet to kill the demon
3. Happenings of the earth planet reflecting the Divine
dimension. They are mostly related to Bhagwan Ram and Krishn. Just
like: When Bhagwan Ram came to Ayodhya after conquering Lanka, He saw the
loving impatience of His family members and the people of Ayodhya so He
multiplied Himself into innumerable forms and instantly met everyone, and
such was the beauty of this Gracious act that everyone felt that Ram came
to him first.

In the Govardhan leela, Krishn playfully lifted
the hill on His little finger and under the hill there was enough space to
accommodate all the Brajwasis so they could stay there and spend
the night. It all happened in a flash.
4. Happenings of the earth planet in the Divine
dimension. The most important (leela) of this kind is
maharas when unlimited Gopis danced with Krishn on the soils
of Vrindaban but in a Divine dimension. A number of nikunj leelas
and the leelas of Gahvarban were also the leelas of the
Divine dimension where only Gopis and Radha Krishn associated.
5. Happenings of the earth planet mixed with the
celestial dimension. (a) A good example of such a happening is the
story of Nachiketa of Kathopnishad when he went to the celestial god Yam,
asked spiritual questions, conceived the Divine truth, and crossed the
mayic realm of death and birth. (b) According to the Ramayan, King
Dashrath sometimes visited god Indra and accepted his hospitality. (c) The
stories of Mahabharat when Arjun, during his exile period, visited
celestial abodes and obtained celestial weapons from god Indra and Shiv
etc., are of the same category. (d) Narad and God Shiv etc., visiting Braj
and enjoying Krishn leelas are also of the same category.
6. Happenings of the earth planet that are beyond the
logic and the limitations of the material phenomena. Lots of stories
of our scriptures and the Puranas come in this category that are related
to certain individual Saints, Sages and Rishis. For example: (a) Shukdeo
remained for twelve years in the womb of his mother without giving her any
discomfort. On the request of his father, Ved Vyas, when he came out, he
was of the age and the height of a twelve year old boy. Not only that, he
was fully absorbed in the Bliss of nirakar brahm; he didn’t even
look to anyone around him. He just walked straight into the jungle. (b) To
continue the family succession of a royal dynasty that had no heir, Ved
Vyas simply looked to the two queens from a distance and they conceived.
They gave birth to Pandu (the father of the Pandavas) and Dhritrashtra
(the father of the Kauravas). (c) King Drupad was conducting a yagya.
From the fire of the yagya a girl appeared and she was Dropadi,
who married the Pandavas. Such happenings are beyond mayic nature,
so they cannot be judged according to the material reasonings because they
are promoted with the Divine power of a Divine personality.
7. Normal happenings of this world as described in the
Puranas etc. All the happenings that are related to a person’s day to
day life are of this kind. In this world there are always mayic
souls and some Saints. Sometimes certain eternal Divine personalities
descend in the world, and there is a time when Bhagwan Ram and Krishn also
descend on this earth planet. It’s all described in the Puranas. These
happenings are of two kinds: material and Divine. All the actions of a
mayic soul are material, and all the actions of the Divine
personalities are Divine.
Thus, the stories of the Puranas are repeated in a
somewhat similar style. Details may differ but the general story remains
almost the same. For example: the twelfth canto of the Bhagwatam predicts
the detailed descriptions of the kings of India for about three thousand
years. Suppose, after millions of years Krishn again descends on the earth
planet and the Bhagwatam is again written by a Divine personality, Ved
Vyas, of that time. There may not be a similar description of the
dynasties of the kings of kaliyug as it is described in the twelfth
canto, or there may be some variation in the descriptions of the first
nine cantos, but the main part of the Krishn leelas, like the
Govardhan leela, Brahma’s confusion, saving the people of Braj from
the demons of Kans, His loving childhood leelas, maharas, Mathura
and Dwarika leela, the Mahabharat war and the teachings of the Gita
will all be there. It means that the general characteristical body of the
events with its special representation of Divine love and Divine knowledge
that forms the main body of the Bhagwatam never changes. It remains the
same forever. Because Bhagwatam is a Divine power of Golok abode.
Now we understand that the stories and the events that
are described in the Upnishads and the Puranas are not only the material
happenings just like the other historical events of the world, they are
mostly the Divine happenings that involved all the three dimensions:
material, celestial and the Divine. If we hold such a wide angle of view,
keeping in mind the various dimensions and the classes and the kinds of
the happenings of this brahmand, of which this earth planet is only
a part, there remains no question, confusion or contradiction in a
person’s mind; and he begins to admire the Graciousness of God Who Himself
revealed His knowledge to us.
