There are three kinds of evidences:
documentary, circumstantial and eyewitness. In the scriptural terms they
are called shabd (documentary), anuman (inferential or
circumstantial) and pratyakch (eyewitness). We have all the three
kinds of evidences to authenticate the Divinity of all the scriptures
along with their descriptions.
(a) We have a system. The
scriptures themselves tell their origin in their writings. The Upnishads,
which are the first revelations, tell that the Vedas, the Upnishads and
all of the Rishis and Sages were produced by God Maha Vishnu Himself and
are protected by Him.

Not only at one place but at many places it has been
documented in the Upnishads. The Brihadaranyakopnishad (2/4/10) says that
all the four Vedas, Upnishads, Puranas, History and other affiliates and
subsidiaries of the Vedas along with their grammar were produced by God
Himself. Again, in the Chandogyopnishad (7/1/2) it is said that the
History (called Itihas, which are: the Ramayan and the Mahabharat) and
Puranas are like the fifth Ved. Also, regarding the period of their
reproduction by Ved Vyas and the time of the war, the Mahabharat gives the
precise astronomical data when the war had happened.
(b) Considering the depth, extensiveness, preciseness
and perfection of such scriptural knowledges that are beyond human
intellect, it can easily be inferred that it is super-material knowledge,
thus it can only be Divine. The depth of the philosophy of God and God
realization with its detailed descriptions, the extensiveness of the
historical descriptions in the Puranas and in the Mahabharat, the
preciseness of the calculations of the periods and the cycles of ‘time’
(for example: the beginning of the existing human civilization is 120.5331
million years; the age of the earth planet and also the existing form of
the sun is 1971.9616 million years in 1998; the very beginning of this
planetary system is 155.521972 trillion years), and the perfection of the
Sanskrit grammar since it was introduced on the earth planet through the
early Sages of India, are all such unequalled examples which naturally
certify the Divine greatness of our scriptures.
(c) As regards eyewitness, every God realized bhakt
Saint all the time witnesses the Divine glory of his beloved God and,
remaining in His association, conceives the theme of all the scriptures.
That’s how when he writes anything it is perfectly in coordination with
the tenets of the original scriptures. There are an enormous number of
such examples. As far as the existence of the celestial abodes and its
gods are concerned we don’t need a true Saint to certify it, even an
evolved yogi who has perfected his samadhi could visualize
the celestial gods during the meditative part of his samadhi.
From the very recent to the very ancient time we have
such biographies of the rasik Saints whose Divine association with
Krishn is generously described. There were a great number of Saints in
Braj in the last 500 years who wrote about their visualization of the
playfulness of Krishn in the form of songs called pad. They are in
thousands and are all printed in book form. A rasik Saint, Surdas,
is said to have sung more than a hundred thousand songs about the
playfulness of the supreme God Krishn. It means that he sang at least 15
to 25 songs every day. Out of them more than two thousand songs are still
available. It was the beauty of his description that he sang them
simultaneously as he visualized them. These Saints also wrote the
philosophical aspects of the form and the virtues of God and the true path
of God realization. In this way they witnessed the Divinity and
authenticated the Divineness of our scriptures.
We have thus abundance of evidences of all kinds that
authenticate the eternal Divineness and the greatness of our scriptures,
the Vedas, the Upnishads, the Puranas, the Mahabharat and the Ramayan
etc., which delineate the Divine history of Sages, Saints, Divine
personalities and the descensions of the supreme God. They also describe
the simple and the easy path of God realization through devotion (bhakti)
and dedication while detailing the philosophical aspects of the Divine
dimensions and the forms of God.