A series of eleven volumes named “The History and
Culture of the Indian People” was published by Bhartiya Vidya
Bhavan in 1951. See a few examples of these writings:
“The Vedic Age”
“But people in this age were by
no means vegetarians. They ate flesh freely, not excluding even beef
which was prohibited later owing to the growing reverence for the cow.
Flesh-food must be served to the Brahmanas invited to a Sraddha
dinner, vegetable food being allowed only in its absence.
Similarly in the ceremony of the first feeding of the child with solid
food, among the various foods enumerated in order of merit, the
flesh of a goat, partridge, or another (specified) bird, and fish come
first, boiled rice mixed with ghi coming last. Similarly
food offered to a guest of consequence must not be without flesh.”
(p. 526)
“The Age of Imperial Unity”
“Thus the Mahabharata, as we have
it today, was never the work of any one author nor was it written down
at one time.” (p. 246)
“It is therefore permissible to
conclude that the original Ramayana, in which Rama was a human being,
was composed by Valmiki in the third or more probably in the fourth
century BC.” (p. 254)
Another series of six volumes (revised edition) was
published by The Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta, between 1953 to
1978; out of which the first edition of the first three volumes was
published as early as 1937. It’s called “The Cultural Heritage of
The first volume says, “We
have bid good-bye to the theories of hoary antiquity for Indian Aryan
culture, which we in India generally look upon as axiomatic. As it has
been discussed in some of the papers in this volume, we might look upon
the tenth century B.C., the last phase of the Vedic age, as the time
when the Indian Man came into being.” (p. xl) Further it says,
“The Upanishads emphasize the direct awareness of the world of Spirit,
they also adduce reasons in support of the reality of Spirit.” (p.
xxiv) “...The Rg-Veda, its language can by no means be dated much
earlier than 1000 BC.” (p. 137)
The second volume says,
“The pastoral aspect of the Krsna-religion was celebrated in the
charming tales of Krsna’s boyhood spent in the company of the gopalas
(cowherds), while the erotic-devotional aspect was represented through
the fascinating legends of his association with gopis
(milkmaids).” (p. 234)
The third volume (p. 285)
tells, “Historically, the avatara is a man of realization engaged
in the service of the world;” and the fourth volume (p. 46) tells
that the age of the Puranas is 300 to 1200 AD.
The fifth volume on page
13 says that the composition of the Vedas was ascribed to many
generations of poets, priests and philosophers. On page 14 it says, “The
ancient ancestors of the Indo-European speaking people… migrated towards
the southeast and eventually settled down in the Balkh region. There
they developed a form of their original Indo-European language, which
may be characterized as proto-Aryan, the direct ancestor of the Vedic
language. They also developed a form of religion which may be
characterized as proto-Aryan.” On page 40 it says that the final shape
of the Puranas was accomplished in the Gupt period, and in the course of
the growth of the Puranas many more subjects came to be incorporated
into them. On page 41 it says that the Bhagwatam appears to have been
produced in the Tamil country around 10th and 11th century; the
Narad Bhakti Sutra around 10th century; and Yagyavalkya Smriti around
5th century.
These are all the exact repetitions of the western
One more series of six volumes, called “The
Cambridge History of India,” was edited by E.J. Rapson and published
in New Delhi in 1968. It extensively quotes Megasthenes in volume I, and
praisingly tells in its preface that it was Sir William Jones who gave the
anchor-sheet of history by identifying Sandracottus with Chandragupt (Maurya).
A fifteen volume series, called “Bhisma’s Study of
Indian History and Culture,” was published in Bombay in 1988. It says:
“Indian history starts right from
the post glacial epoch i.e. from about 8000 BC.” (Vol. I, p. 13). “The
Rigved is considered to be the first recorded utterance of mankind.”
(Vol. I, p. 107).
(Rigved) “The seers of the Mantra
had developed the art of reducing verbal sounds into the graphic signs.
In earlier days, the sound was a symbol and later on it was associated
with objective realities or concepts. The script obviously came into
existence at a later stage.” (Vol. I, pp. 489, 490).
“…10,800 years before kali:
This would be the date of Manu of the current Chaturyuga period. This
Manu was the first king of mankind.” (Vol. II, p. 63). “King Ram was
such a phenomenon! He was all too human…” (Vol. III, p. 73).
There are many more such series that relate similar
thoughts which are contrary to the theme of Hinduism. In the last
couple of years two encyclopedias on Hinduism have been
published in New Delhi.
One, “Encyclopedia Indica,” praises Max
Müller and says in its preface that it has heavily taken the assistance
from the western sources. In volume 10 (Vedic rituals) it says, “It
was, however, in the asvamedha… the horse is sacrificed
along with hundreds of victims, wild and tame, from the elephant to the
bee.” In volume 11, chapter 5 it says, “To some extent the cow is the
animal sacrificed and proffered to the gods;” and in volume 23 (the Avatar
Syneretism) it says, “Buddha is definitely a historical personage while
the others seem more and more legendary.”
Another, “Encyclopedia of Hinduism,” says in its
preface, “It can hardly be said a religion in a popular understood sense
of the term. Unlike other religions, Hinduism does not regard the concept
of God as being central to it. It is neither a system of theology nor make
any dogmatic affirmation regarding the nature of God.” In volume 17
(Divinity of Rama…) it says, “Rama in Valmiki’s Ramayan is simply a human
being;” and in volume 21 (Scientific information…) it says that Ramayan
was composed between 200 BC and 200 AD. In volume 30 (Vallabhacharya) it
says, “Vallabhacharya does not devise a different theory, for devotion
is, but the expression of the heart--heart talking to heart--saint
John may be quoted here to see the parallel between the eastern and the
western streams of thought.”
We have thus seen how the Divine themes of Hindu
religion are being mutilated and corrupted by the modern literati through
such publications and how the Divine greatness of the Sages, Saints and
the acharyas is being totally ignored. This is just the effect of
kali and the impiousness of people’s minds which produces such
These effects are clearly seen in the preachings and
the writings of the majority of the spiritual leaders of today. The prime
drawbacks in their writings are that they defy the true theme of the
Upnishads. They represent new ideologies that despise the prime truth of
Sanatan Dharm, and misrepresent the integral teachings of the acharyas
whose sole aim was to introduce unprejudiced, pure and selfless bhakti
to the personal form of God, which is done with a humble heart and a
dedicated mind.
Thus, the extremely derogative writings of Hindu
scholars (as mentioned above) and the misleading concepts of the religious
leaders of today have ruined the image of the Divine greatness of Bhartiya
religion and history that was established by the great acharyas and
the descended Divine personalities.
Even after 52 years of independence, still similar
books are being written, and the ignorant writers are still following the
same atheistic dogmas of the western writers.
The time has come that we must wake up from the 142
year (1857 to 1999) long dream of ignorance and recognize the value of our
true Divine wealth which is still the solace of a true aspirant’s heart in
the world and which has been endowed to us (the residents of Bharatvarsh)
by the descensions of the supreme God, Bhagwan Ram and Krishn. The
glory of Their name, fame and virtues has already been sung in the Puranas,
Upnishads and the Bhagwatam which are the Divine revelations by the
eternal Divine personalities, and which have been rejuvenated and elevated
by the Jagadgurus and the acharyas (of Vrindaban) who
simplified the path of devotion (bhakti) to the loving God in their
writings and introduced the true Divine love theory (of raganuga bhakti)
for the souls of the entire world.
The government authorities of free India should take
the initiative to produce the history of India with the correct
chronology and produce the correct view of Hindu religion as explained in
"The True History and the Religion of India" which should be
prescribed in the schools and colleges for study, and thus, it may
disperse the cloud of ignorance that was created by the English people and
which is still clouding a great number of intellectual brains of India.
We are not realizing the harm which we are doing to ourselves and to our
nation. Such books that degrade the Divinity of our Divine religion and
the Divine descensions of supreme God, Ram and Krishn, Whose Divine glory
is the soul of Hindu religion, should be discarded, and our hearts should
be illuminated with the consciousness of Divine love for our most beloved
God Who glorifies the tenets of all of our scriptures.