Although sometimes they ignore the indecent statements
of meat eating as said by Max Müller etc., but they use the rest of their
derogatory views. For example: Max Müller repeatedly stated in his
writings the words, Highest Self, or Supreme Soul, or Old Man (purushah
puranah) for supreme God and in this way he condemned the Divine
personality of God. Radhakrishnan and others went one step ahead and
called God as spirit (which is the term of the Bible). They also derogated
the supreme Divinity Bhagwan Ram and Krishn and gave a lot of praise to
Buddh whose path is called ‘shoonya vad.’
There is a “theory of evolution” introduced by some
theorists including Darwin which tells that from aquatic worms the whole
living world evolved: a worm becomes a fish, then a frog, then a reptile,
then a mammal, then a dinosaur/shrew, then a monkey and then a human
being. The illogicality and the unscientific approach of this theory is
discussed in Article 44. Some Hindu writers try to compare this
materialistic and unscientific ideology with the Divine descensions of God
telling that they are the links of evolution.
Take one example: God Nrasingh appeared to protect His
devotee Prahlad and to kill the demon Hiranyakashyap, and because the
demon had a celestial boon that he would not be killed by any animal or
anyone in a human form, so God had to assume the shape of half animal and
half human to protect the credibility of the boon and to kill the demon.
Similarly there are Divine reasons for the descensions of Matsya (Divine
fish), Varah (Divine boar) and Kachchap (Divine tortoise). Other
descensions were in human form out of which the descensions of Bhagwan
Ram and Krishn are the most important as They revealed the true path to
God and established bhakti. Kachchap and Varah descensions were
in the celestial dimension.
The descensions other than Bhagwan Ram and Krishn were
for certain specific Divine purposes. But the descension of Buddh was
only to show the path of compassion and renunciation and not
the path to God. So his philosophy is non-Godly and there is
absolutely no description of any part of the Divinity in that, not even
the soul. Thus, the approach of his philosophy is only up to the subtle
mind of a human being (and not the soul), and the existence of the
“absolute nothingness” only (and not God). So it is called shoonya vad
(shoonya means nothing).
Those modern writers, on one side, induce the
worldliness of an unscientific evolutionary theory into the Divine events
of our descensions of God and, on the other side, they elevate the
personality of Buddh and ignore the absolute Divine greatness of Ram and
Krishn Whose Blissful leelas were so great that they had stolen the
heart of God Shiv Who Himself is God of liberation. On the top of that
they try to claim that they are defining Sanatan Dharm.
Such tendencies are called transgressions when they
draw a parallel between the Divine philosophy of the Upnishads with the
theory of Buddhism and try to equalize the Blissful state of Divine
liberation (mokch) with the shoonya vad or nirvan
(nothingness) of Buddhism.
These Hindu writers, in the name of Sanatan Dharm and
Hinduism degrade the Hindu religion by disregarding the supremacy of the
personal form of God, calling Him super soul or spirit etc. They do not
give proper respect to the Vedic Rishis, Sages and Saints, and, calling
them sectarians, they totally disregard the teachings of the acharyas
and Jagadgurus whose whole life was a Divine benevolence for every
soul of the world. They introduce Bhagwan Ram and Krishn only as
historical figures who spread Hindu civilization up to the south and the
north of India.
This is all the effect of the western writers on the
Hindu minds that collected the intellectual dirt of the followers of the
English regime (knowingly or unknowingly) and tried to smear it on the
face of Hinduism in their own intellectual style. Otherwise, how could a
true Hindu overlook the Divine greatness of Bhagwan Ram and Krishn Whose
loving leelas are the soul of Hinduism, and a fraction of Whose
Divine power is Maha Vishnu, Who has created the entire universe.