(39) How did the British fabricate
and destroy the historic records of
and misguide the whole world?
The Divine knowledge of Hindu (Bhartiya)
scriptures could have benefited the aspirants of God of the whole world.
But, the diplomats of the British, who were ruling India in those days,
clouded this opportunity by extensively launching their deliberate false
propagation about India and its universal Hindu religion, and not only
that, they degraded Hindu culture by all means, and thus, hampered the
spiritual growth of the whole world. A fair example is the Encyclopaedia
Britannica of 1854 itself in which they fed such derogatory statements
about Hindu (Bhartiya) religion.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 8th Edition (1854), Volume XI.
Millions of Europeans have visited India and have
praised the Indian architecture. The fact is that the melody of Indian
classical music is world famous, and the most renowned historical
musician, Tansen, of Akbar’s court was the disciple of Swami Haridas. But
see what the English people wrote in their encyclopedia,
“In architecture, in the fine
arts, in painting and music, the Hindus are greatly inferior to the
Europeans. ‘The columns and pillars,’ says Tennant, ‘which adorn their
immense pagodas, are destitute of any fixed proportions; and the
edifices themselves are subjected to no rules of architecture.’ He
afterwards adds that the celebrated mausoleum at Agra has little to
boast of either in simplicity or elegance of design.”
“The music of the Hindus is rude
and inharmonious. They have numerous instruments, but those are
preferred which make the most noise.” (p. 477)
The Hindu science of medicine named “Ayurved” was well
established 200 years ago when modern medical technology was still
developing; and India has lots of excellent Sanskrit literature. But see
what Britannica said,
“In the medical art: charms,
incantations, exorcisms and the shallowest tricks are substituted for
professional skill; and other imposters, generally Brahmins, practise
astrology, and cheat them out of their money by pretended prophecies.”
“The literature of the Hindus has
been generally rated very low by European writers, and has been
represented as consisting in long desultory poems, inflated, and
extravagant in their style, containing, under the idea of a history, a
tissue of absurd fables.” (pp. 474, 477)
The topmost English literature, Beowulf, deals with
dragons and monsters, the Shakespearean drama displays the tragedies of
worldly living, and Wuthering Heights etc., expose the disappointing pains
of an ambitious mind; whereas all of the Sanskrit literature is, in some
way, related to the teachings of God and God realization.
Now see how did they degrade the universal Hindu
religion and the Hindu society, and what did they write about Shivaji who
was a well known religious, honest and ardent patriot of Hinduism who
fought for the protection of our country.
“Their religion is that of a rude
people, consisting in an endless detail of troublesome ceremonies.”
“The state of morals among the
Hindus is such as might be expected from a religion so impure.”
“The historical poem, the
Mahabharat, is a tissue of extravagant fables.” (pp. 467, 470, 478)
“The Hindus are by no means a
moral people. According to the observation of Orme, the politics of
Hindustan would afford in a century more frequent examples of sanguinary
cruelty than the whole history of Europe since the reign of
Charlemagne.” (p. 472)
“The Hindu rulers, however
ignorant in other matters, thus appear to have been familiar with all
the most approved modes of plundering their subjects. Power was here a license to
plunder and oppress. The rod of the oppressor was literally omnipresent;
neither persons nor property were secure against its persevering and
vexatious intrusions.” (p. 476)
“Sevajee, the founder of this new
state, was the chief of the Rajpoot princes. In his youth he resided at
Poonah, on a zemindary estate obtained by his father. Here he collected
around him a numerous banditti, and plundered the country.” (p. 479)
Those are just a few examples. More than twelve pages
of the encyclopedia are filled with such senseless lies. Anyone who has read the history of Europe knows
about the royal disposals in the Tower of London, and the brutal torturing
and burning alive at the stake of millions of innocent people during the
Inquisitions. He also knows about the bloody conquests of King Charlemagne
who once killed about 5,000 Saxons in one day as he enjoyed mass
executions in order to spread Christianity.
It is thus evident that the English people misguided
the entire world by giving a false image of Hinduism and the universal
Hindu religion.
Fabrication in the Bhavishya Puran.
(Bhavishya Puran, Pratisarg Parv, part 1, chapter 6)
While going through the Bhavishya Puran at one place I
found some discrepancy in the contents of the verses. Again, when I looked
at it carefully, I discovered that some of the verses are fabricated. It
was not difficult to find out as to who would have done that, because the
direct beneficiary of this fabrication was Sir William Jones.
Jones, in his tenth presidential speech in 1793,
stressed on the period of Chandragupt Maurya to be 312 BC and mentioned
that Chandragupt had a treaty with Seleucus.
The derived date of Chandragupt in these fabricated verses comes to
exactly 312 BC. Thus, to justify his false statement of 1793, this
fabrication must have been done according to his instructions. Jones
died a year later, so it may have been done after his death.
It’s a general understanding that crime always leaves
some clue, but here we have more than that. It appears that the learned
pandit who was doing this job for the people of the Asiatic Society,
was doing it under some kind of social or family pressure and against his
conscience. So he did the job and created the verses with the desired
dates, whatever they wanted, but he fully messed up the genealogical
description of Buddh and Chandragupt.
The general meaning of the verses of Chapter 6:
“Sage Kashyap begot Gautam who was Hari. Gautam introduced
Buddh religion and reigned for 10 years. His son Shakya Muni
ruled for 20 years and then his son Shuddhodan ruled for
30 years. Shuddhodan’s son was Shakya Singh who was born at the elapse
of 2,700 years of kaliyug. This king was the destroyer of
Vedic religion. He ruled for 60 years and converted everyone into
Buddhism. Shakya Singh’s son was Buddh Singh who ruled for 30
years. Buddh Singh’s son was Chandragupt who ruled for 60 years.
His son Bindusar ruled for 60 years. Bindusar’s son was Ashok…”
Comments: These verses were fabricated by the
English people. It is an historical fact that Gautam Buddh did
not rule any kingdom as he had renounced the world, and the second thing
is that he was the son of Shuddhodan. But here Shuddhodan is shown as
the grandson of Gautam. Gautam Buddh was during the time of King
Bimbsar of Shishunag dynasty in 1800’s BC. But here Buddh’s time comes to
462 BC [2,700 years of kaliyug (-) 60 (10 + 20 + 30) years = 2,640,
and subtracting 2,640 years from 3102 BC, which is the beginning of
kaliyug, it comes to 462 BC] which was the desired figure by the
English people.
Another thing is, that each and every writer has accepted Chandragupt
as the son of Nand. But here Chandragupt is shown as the son of Buddh
Singh and the great-grandson of Shuddhodan (who was the historically
known father of Gautam Buddh). The actual period of Chandragupt is 1500’s
BC. But here it comes to 312 BC [2,700 + (60 + 30) = 2,790]. Deducting
2,790 years, (the elapsed period of kaliyug) from 3102 BC (the
beginning of kaliyug) comes to 312 BC which was especially desired
by Jones.
From the above discussions it is thus clear that the obedient servants
of the British regime, the people of the Asiatic Society and East India
Company, fabricatingly muddled up the historic dates of important
personalities in our original records.
