Bhartiya scriptures like the Upnishads, the
Gita and the Bhagwatam are produced by God Himself. They contain all the
philosophies that are related to the God realization of a soul. Explaining
in great detail they tell that the dimension of God is beyond the abode of
Brahma and the celestial gods and goddesses. The creation theory of the
entire universe with minute subtle stepwise details, the unimaginable
limit of the Divine Bliss and the happiness that a soul receives after God
realization, and the form of the supreme personality of God which is
omnipresent, is all detailed in our scriptures.
His kindness and friendliness is so great that He loves
all the souls and He atones the sins of even the greatest sinners when
they humbly remember Him, that’s why He is called ‘deen bandhu.’
His Divine beauty defies the accumulated beauty of trillions of Cupids (Kamdeos)
and His love fills the heart, mind and soul of a devotee with such an
experience of His loving closeness that exceeds all of the imaginations of
an emotional mind. He is only one but He has many forms. You can
worship any one of His forms. He has His five Divine abodes (Vaikunth of
Vishnu, Shiv and Durga, Saket of Ram, and Dwarika, Golok and Vrindaban of
Krishn) which are eternally omnipresent. The omnipresence of His personal
form and abode is a Divine miracle, beyond the limits of the ‘time’ and
‘space’ of the mayic world. So it could be experienced after God
realization, and it could be believed accordingly during the devotional
period. His names and forms are eternally the same for the souls of the
whole world and for the entire universe. Bhartiya scriptures are the
origin of all of the true and Divine religions of the world. You can
choose His name and form and start your devotion to your true Divine
beloved God. There is also an impersonal aspect of God which is formless,
but its practice is extremely difficult and it requires total
renunciation, so it is not advised for common people, and moreover its
final achievement is not very exciting as compared to the Blissfulness of
a personal form of God. In this way our scriptures reveal the total
philosophy of God and God realization for the entire world.
The significance of 'fact' and 'faith'.
Fact and Faith. Most of the people believe that if
they are sincere in their deeds and are faithfully following a path, it
may lead them to God, but it is not true. Faith has its own quality and
fact has its own status. You cannot change ferrum into gold by
faithfully worshipping it. One thing you must know is that the depth of
your faith opens up a channel to receive the innate quality of that
religion or person you are following or worshipping. If it is a worldly
religion where worship to god/God is meant for only worldly benefits, you receive only materiality through it because your
faithfulness has opened up a link between your subtle mind and the
underlying material qualities of the minds of the promoters of that
religion. So, slowly and continuously your subconscious mind is being fed
with such mayic qualities but your conscious mind, in the ardor of
your faithfulness, fails to comprehend it, until it is too late. For
similar reasons if a person faithfully follows a religious teacher or a
narrator of the stories of Ram and Krishn etc., his mind will absorb the
mental qualities of the teacher or the narrator, whatever it may be,
hypocritical, malicious, evil, worldly, sensuous, pious, Divine or
devotional; because the speech contains the inner personality of the
speaker. So, give it a thought, and follow the true path of Divine
What are the intuitions?
Some people, out of ignorance, call their intuitions as a suggestion of
God. But you should know that intuitions are also of three kinds,
tamas, rajas and sattvic which are related to the three kinds
of people, evil, normal and pious. They are only the vivid reflections of
your own subconscious mind which are induced by the conditioned reflexes
of your own past lives’ actions called the sanskars. That’s how
sometimes a person feels that his intuitions have guided him, but, in
fact, they are just the stronger subconscious thoughts that emerge into
your conscious mind.