The Bhagwatam says, “Brahma’s one day equals to 1,000
cycles of the four yugas (one cycle of four yugas is 4.32
million years). It is called one kalp. There are fourteen Manus in
one kalp. For the same length of time there is the night of Brahma.
This is called pralaya or kalp pralaya. At that time the
earth planet and the sun along with three celestial abodes (bhu, bhuv
and swah) enter into the transition period (and become
uninhabited). During that period Brahma holds within himself all the
beings of the material and the celestial worlds in a suspended state and
sleeps. (The next day he again produces them and re-forms them as they
were before.) In this way Brahma lives for two parardh (twice of 50
years). After that, there is a complete dissolution of the brahmand
(the planetary system and its celestial abodes). This is called prakrit
pralaya of the brahmand.” (Bhag. 12/4/2 to 6)
“Half of Brahma’s life is called parardh. One
parardh is finished and the existing kalp is in the beginning
of the second parardh (the first day of the 51st year of Brahma).
The very first day of Brahma was the day when he himself was created by
God Vishnu and it was called the Brahm kalp. The present running
kalp is called Varah kalp (or Shvet Varah kalp).”
“In this kalp six Manus like Swayambhuva Manu
etc. have elapsed. The seventh Manu is the son of Vivaswan. He is
the present Manu and is called Vaivaswat Manu.” (8/1/4; 8/13/1)
In the Bhagwat Mahatmya Bhagwan Ved Vyas reveals
a great secret and says that this is the 28th dwapar (of
Vaivaswat manvantar). Not in all, but sometimes at the
end of the 28th dwapar of a kalp the supreme personality of
God, Krishn, in His absolute loving form descends in the world on the land
of Bharatvarsh and reveals His supremely charming playful Divine leelas;
and that had happened in our age just about 5,000 years ago. (Bhag. Ma.
According to the above information, Brahma’s age which
is also the absolute age of our sun and the earth planet is: 50 years of
Brahma x 720 days and nights x (1,000 x 4.32 million years of the four
yugas, which is one day of Brahma) + 1,972 million years* (the
existing age of the earth planet) = 155.521972 trillion years.
One year of Brahma is of 360 days (and one month of
Brahma is of 30 days). So, 360 x 50 = 18,000 days and nights of Brahma
have elapsed. Thus, our earth planet and the sun have already been
renovated 18,000 times. It’s a big figure, but reasonable if you think
over it deeply, and again it is given by an all-knowing Divine