The preplanned scheme of Jones to introduce
the idea that Sanskrit was an outside language gave birth to the
speculation of the imagined existence of some Central Asian (Aryan) race
who spoke Sanskrit and who brought Sanskrit language to India when they
forcefully entered the country. In this way, the fiction of the Aryan
invasion was created much later, sometime in the 1800’s by the same group
of people and was extensively promoted by Max Müller. Let us now probe
into the matter and see how this story was formulated.
It is a well known fact that India is called Aryavart.
Manu Smriti (2/21, 22) describes the exact location of Aryavart which lies
from the south of the Himalayas and all the way up to the Indian ocean.
Its inhabitants are called the Arya. But it is not a locally spoken name.
Commonly, we write Bharatvarsh for India in general and scriptural
writings. The territory of India (or Bharatvarsh or Aryavart) during the
Mahabharat war (3139 BC) was up to Iran. So the ancient Iranian people
also used to call themselves the Aryans.
People of the British regime using this information,
fabricated a story that some unknown race of Central Asia who came and
settled in Iran were called the Aryans and they were Sanskrit speaking
people. They invaded India, established themselves permanently, and wrote
the Vedas. Those who introduced this ideology never cared to produce any
evidence in support of their statement because it never existed, and
furthermore, fiction stories don’t need evidences as they are self-created
If someone carefully looks into the ancient history of
India, he will find that there was no such thing as an Aryan invasion.
Since the very beginning of human civilization, Hindus (Aryans) are the
inhabitants of Bharatvarsh (India) which is called Aryavart. In the
Bhartiya history there are descriptions of Shak and Hun invasions and also
of Muslim invasions but never an Aryan invasion. It was simply a figment
of the imagination of the British diplomats that fabricated this false
story. However, after creating this story, they had to fix the period of
the entry of the Aryans into India which needed a careful decision.
The second millennium BC was the period of migration
and the expansion of major civilizations in the Middle East area. The
Sumerians were at their peak around 2000 BC, the Babylonians
were expanding their empire around 1700 BC and the Assyrians
established their independent kingdom around 1400 BC. The Hittite
empire (Turkey) also flourished during the second millennium BC. The
Hittite language used Akkadian cuneiform script of which the earliest
known record of cuneiform text goes back to 1700 BC. The cursive form of
the alphabetical writing of early Hebrew and Aramaic
languages started taking their first primitive shape around 1000 BC, and
the Greek around 900 BC.
Considering these factors of social and literal
developments in the Middle East, they randomly fixed the fifteenth century
BC for their speculated Aryan invaders, telling that they came from the
Iranian side, forcefully entered the Indus valley, settled there and
spread towards the south.
This is the whole story about the Aryan invasion
fiction which was so extensively popularized that it appeared in the
writings of every historian.
Max Müller promoted this invasion story and formulated
his dates of Vedic origin accordingly.
In 1833, Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859) was
appointed to the Governor General’s supreme council by the East India
Company to modify the education system of India. Discouraging Sanskrit
education he designed a western style of English education that was
supposed to ‘produce such a group of people who would be Indian in
blood and color, but English in taste, opinion and intellect.’
In October 1844, Lord Hardings, Governor General
for India, passed a resolution that all government appointments in India
should have a preference to the English knowing people. This condition
hampered the Indian culture and greatly promoted English education in