In 597 the pope of Rome sent Augustine to England to
spread Christianity. He was welcomed by the king of Kent who became the
first convert, and then, with the help of the king of Kent, conversion
vigorously started in England. The capital of the kingdom of Kent was
Canterbury, so, Augustine established the cathedral there which was the
center of the Church of England. In 601, the pope made Augustine the
Archbishop of Canterbury, and thus Augustine became famous as Augustine of
In 829, the Saxon King Egbert of Wessex established his
superiority and joined all the kingdoms together. He was thus the first
king of the unified kingdom.
800 - 1066. In the early 800’s, Danish Vikings had
started attacking the country and had captured quite a few territories
(except Wessex) and had settled in the eastern half of the country, but
the Saxon King Alfred the Great of Wessex defeated the Danes and pushed
them to the north eastern side of England. After Alfred’s death in 899,
the kingship weakened and Danish invasions again started and finally in
1016 Canute, son of the Danish king, succeeded in defeating the existing
Saxon king of Wessex. Thus, the kingdom of England went into the hands of
Danish rulers who ruled until 1042 when it was again conquered by a
powerful Saxon king, Edward the Confessor, who ruled up to 1066.
1066 - 1170. After a few peaceful years during the
reign of Edward the Confessor, William the Conqueror (William I) of
Normandy, France, came with a strong force, defeated the Saxon king and
became the crowned king of England in 1066. It was called the ‘Norman
Conquest.’ William I established a strong government and built
cathedrals, castles and the Tower of London. His son William II,
called Rufus, ruled after him. Afterwards, William I’s youngest son,
Henry I, became the king. William’s family ruled up till 1154.
During that time civil war broke out because of the conflict between
the nobles and the French people, as the nobles wanted to rule their
territory in their own style. Consequently, the Normans lost their power
and the Duke of Normandy of (French) Plantagenet family, Henry II, became
the king in 1154. Henry wanted sole power to govern the churches of
England which created a rift between the Archbishop of Canterbury and the
King of England. But it was easily resolved (in 1170) when the king’s
knights came and beheaded the archbishop while he was doing the prayer in
the cathedral.