(25) The
Brief descriptions of the notable masterpieces of
the literature of England, and the story of Dionysian worship by the
Greeks and the Romans.
1. Dionysus (also called Bacchus).
He was a god of the Greeks and Romans. Dionysus was god of fertility and
god of wine, merriment and wild behavior in both, Greek and Roman
mythologies. He was a famous god. Two main celebrations called Dionysia
were held in March and December every year in Athens. His worship was
very common in those days. In Rome at some secluded area or on the
mountain slopes his celebrations were held. The followers were more women
and less men. While going to worship, a group of people, men and women, in
a bewildered state of frenzied ecstasy used to kill an animal on the way.
Tearing the animal apart, eating its raw flesh, drinking its blood, and
frantically rejoicing and dancing they moved ahead. They believed that the
animal they ate was the form of Dionysus because Dionysus himself was
represented as a bull. In this way while consuming the animal they
believed that they were taking Dionysus in their veins, and so, assuming
to be possessed by Dionysus, they danced and enjoyed the vulgarity of
their drunken behavior. Sometimes, in a state of drunken frenzy a woman
also enjoyed tearing apart her own baby as a sport.
Euripides: He was the first person to create a
drama on Dionysus or Bacchus. Not much is known about Euripides, but he
was unhappy in his life although he was married twice. He wrote a number
of plays of which “Bacchants” (406 BC) was his
masterpiece. He died tragically. While walking in the woods, a set of
hunting dogs, darting ahead of some king who was going for hunting,
charged upon Euripides and tore him apart. Some writers say that he was
torn apart by the frenzied women worshippers of Dionysus. Either way, he
had a terrible tragic death.
The play: (It is called Bakchai in Greek,
Bacchae in Latin and Bacchants in English.) In the play,
Dionysus comes to the city of Thabes which is ruled by a pious man named
Pentheus. Dionysus comes in disguise as a charismatic young man
accompanied by a number of women called the ‘maenads.’ People of Thabes do
not accept him as a god. King Pentheus was also suspicious about Dionysus
and his followers. So he arrests them and throws them in jail. But
Dionysus escapes and makes the king insane. In bewilderment, the king
walks towards the hills. The mother of Pentheus (Agave) along with the
maenads goes to the hills to worship Dionysus and on the way she kills
Pentheus. The play is shown in great detail and has a tragic ending with
scenes of vulgarity throughout.
A scene of the play of Dionysus as described by William
Arrowsmith (b. 1924) in his English translation “The Bacchae” is as
“No, no, Mother! I am Pentheus, your own son, the
child you bore to Echion! Pity me, spare me…But she was foaming at the
mouth, and her crazed eyes (were) rolling and frenzy. She was mad, stark
mad, possessed by Bacchus. Ignoring his cries of pity, she seized his
left arm at the wrist; then, planting her foot upon his chest, she
pulled, wrenching away the arm at the shoulder…He was screaming with
what little breath was left. They (were) shrieking in triumph. One tore
off an arm, another a foot, still warm in its shoe. His ribs were clawed
clean of flesh and every hand was smeared with blood as they played ball
with scraps of Pentheus’ body.”
“His mother, picking up his head, impaled it on her
wand… But all the victory she carries home is her own grief.” (lines
1120 to 1145)
Dionysiaca: It was written by Nonnus. Nonnus
was in the 5th century AD. He was the most notable Greek poet of
his time. He was converted to Christianity. He wrote Dionysiaca which is a
very long and elaborate description of Dionysus (Bacchus) in a poetry
form. He was a writer of imagination. Including all the stories of Greek
mythology about Dionysus he added a lot of fancies of his own mind and
represented Dionysus as a world conqueror. Detailing the birth, growth,
triumph, adventures and the military expeditions of Dionysus, he wrote the
longest account of his expedition against the Indians. It was all his own
addition; there were no such things in the writings of Euripides. He also
elaborated the frenzied behavior of the followers of Dionysus who killed
an animal, and, eating its raw flesh and drinking its blood, they believed
that by that act they were absorbing the powers of Bacchus in themselves.
The story of Dionysiaca also contains the detailed behavior of love, hate
and jealousy of the Greek gods.
Such writings, that were the scholarly masterpieces of
those days, in fact, reveal the true image of the society of that time.
2. Beowulf.
It is considered to be an excellent
epic of western literature, which was composed sometime in the 8th century
AD by an unknown poet. It is written in the Mercian dialect of Old
English from West Midland, Britain. It was most likely sung by
minstrels for many years before it was written down. Beowulf reflects the
long held Teutonic (pagan) beliefs of the Anglo-Saxon people mixed with
the Christian beliefs of that time. The language of Beowulf very much
resembles the modern German of today.
The story: Beowulf is a young landlord in the
kingdom of Hygelac. He is invited by the neighboring king to save his
kingdom from a dreaded monster that was terrorizing the kingdom for twelve
years. Beowulf comes, fights with the monster and kills him. The whole
town celebrates the victory of Beowulf. That very night the mother of the
monster avenges the death of her son by her fierce attacks but she is also
overcome and finished by Beowulf. He returns back to his home. After
sometime King Hygelac dies and leaves his throne to Beowulf. Beowulf once
again had to fight a fire-breathing dragon. He encounters the dragon, and
a fear of death enters the back of his head. He still fights and
terminates the dragon. But the dragon’s poisonous bite makes him die a
painful death. The epic ends with the detailed description of his funeral.
3. Hamlet.
Written by William Shakespeare
(1564-1616). Most of the Shakespearean dramas have a tragic ending that
expose the total disappointment of life.
Hamlet is prince of Denmark. Resenting his father’s
death he further resents his mother’s marriage to his uncle Claudius who
becomes the next king. One night the ghost of Hamlet’s father appears and
tells him that he was murdered by Claudius, and demands Hamlet to take
revenge. By intellectual trickery Hamlet discovers that Claudius was
guilty. Hamlet visits his mother in her sitting room and notices that
something moved behind the curtain. He jumps up and stabs through the
curtain. The person falls dead; he was Polonius, the king’s personal
advisor. Claudius exiles Hamlet to England; but Hamlet comes back to
Denmark and discovers that the woman he loved, Ophelia, the daughter of
Polonius, has gone insane with the tragic death of her father. Her
desperate love for the killer of her loving father scatters her wits and
she drowns herself.
Ophelia’s brother Laertes, with the help of Claudius
plots a revenge to kill Hamlet in a dual with a specially prepared
poisoned sword. On the other side Claudius has also prepared a poisoned
wine for Hamlet in case Hamlet survives the dual.
Hamlet appears on the scene. Laertes fights the dual,
wounds Hamlet, but he is also wounded by the same sword. Hamlet’s mother,
weary with her own grief, comes and happens to drink the poisonous wine
that was prepared by her husband for Hamlet. Hamlet, feeling the presence
of death crawling through his veins, to enjoy the last thrill of his
revenge rushes to Claudius, kills him, and he himself falls dead. Laertes,
dying with pain, collapses and dies. Hamlet’s mother watching the death
scene of her husband and son closes her eyes forever. The dead bodies of
all the four characters of the play covering the whole of the stage create
a gloomy atmosphere in the hall. The audience, holding their breath in a
sad excitement, go home with enough material to have a nightmare in their
dream. Thus ends the famous drama of Shakespeare with a spine-chilling
thrill of ancient murderous living.
4. Romeo and Juliet.
Written by William
Shakespeare. It is a tragic story of worldly love. The play is set in
Verona, Italy. It relates to an ancient family feud between Montague and
Capulet that disturbed the peace of the town.
The Capulets are holding a family celebration where
Romeo (a Montague) comes in disguise and sees Juliet, the beautiful
daughter of Lord Capulet. They both look at each other and fall in love at
first sight. She was only fourteen. She shows her love and meets Romeo in
a secluded area under the cover of the night. Secretly, they get married
with the help of a well-wisher and, after spending the first night
together, they sadly depart as they know that their families won’t accept
the marriage.
Juliet’s cousin, Tyblat, when he discovers the arrival
of Romeo in the party, wants to take revenge. Shortly thereafter, he
fights with Romeo in a dual to kill him but, instead, he gets killed by
Romeo. In the meantime, Juliet’s father had arranged her marriage to a
young man called Paris. The wise old Friar Lawrence, having a sympathy for
Juliet, decides to give both a chance to meet together. He devises a
potion that could put a person in a deathlike state for some time. Juliet
drinks the potion and passes out. Her father, thinking her dead and
grieving on his bad luck, puts Juliet in the tomb. But the secret message
of Friar Lawrence could not be delivered to Romeo on time, while, in the
meantime, he already hears about the death of Juliet. Bewildered, he runs
to the tomb, sees her lying like dead, he drinks the poison which he had
carried with him, and dies. Minutes later Juliet opens her eyes, and sees
Romeo, the love of her heart, dead. In desperateness, she pulls the dagger
from Romeo’s side, stabs to her chest, and dies. The drama ends with a
moaning scene where both families were present.
Remarks: You must have noticed that the entire
English literature, novels, dramas and the poetries, reflect the image of
the social living of those days which was possessed by the personal
vehemence of ambition, jealousy, love, hate, revenge and the bitter
disappointments of life. The vulgarity of savage behavior, the stories of
dragons and monsters, the hair-raising tragic climaxes of Shakespearean
dramas, the stories of survival from cannibals, the depiction of the
underworld crime and the unforgettable painful memories of Bronte’s work,
all refer to the heartbreaking disappointments and the emotional miseries
of the material world. There is absolutely no teaching of social
upliftment of any kind and the talk of spirituality is out of the
question. In the following pages you will see that the total history of
the western world runs along the same lines as it is portrayed in their
literature. But if you carefully study any of the ancient Sanskrit
literature of Bharatvarsh you will find that, directly or indirectly, one
way or the other, it encompasses the subject of God and God realization.
