22) The Proto-Germanic language;
Grimm and Bopp.
‘Proto’ word is used for a presumably existing unknown
language when its form is reconstructed on the basis of available material
of a later date. For example: Old English cyning (king), Old Saxon
and Old High German kuning and Finnish kuningas, which is
the oldest available record of Germanic languages. Thus the word ‘kuningaz’
could be assumed by the linguists to be the logical term that would have
been for ‘king’ in Proto-Germanic language. Similarly, Old High German
mero (more), Old Saxon mero, Old English and Old Frisian
mara, Old Norse meire, Gothic maiza; and thus
Proto-Germanic maiz. Old High German tag (day), heilaz
(whole), Old Saxon dag, hel, Old Norse dagr, heilt, Old
Frisian dei, hal, Old English dœg, hal, Gothic dags,
heilata; and thus Proto-Germanic dagaz, hailan.
There is a logic how the languages and dialects change
their word-sound and spellings according to human psychology, behavior,
environment, migration, adaptation and social needs related to culture,
trade and religion, and the ups and downs of their living patterns. But
there are so many deviations and variations at every stage of social
development that it becomes extremely difficult to form a complete
grammatical law of all the changes that occur in the life of a language,
especially when even the sound and the combinations of vowels and
consonants are not fixed. They keep on changing from one period to
another. Linguists tried hard to formulate general procedures to explain
how the formation and the phonetic character of a word changes in
different languages, and in this connection Grimm’s and Verner’s laws came
into light.
Jacob Grimm (1785-1863). A linguist and Germanic
philologist, who was famous for writing “Fairy Tales,” was born in
Germany. His father and grandfather both were ministers of a church.
Hardship came upon him when his father died in 1796 and he had to look
after his four brothers and one sister, and was again emotionally
disturbed when his mother also died in 1808. He loved folk poetry and
tried to collect all the fairy tales he could find. Time went on and his
brother Wilhelm became secretary in a library in Kassel in 1814, and then,
he also joined him. He turned towards the study of philology and published
four volumes of his works “Deutsche Grammatik” between 1818 to 1837, which
were known as Grimm’s law (that deals with the phonetic change or ‘sound
shift’ of the words).
He presented the laws of sound change of vowels and
consonants that happen in various languages and created a system that
refers to etymology. He mentioned about the two ‘consonant shifts,’
one of the 6th century and the other before the Christian era, and
described his principles that sound change is a regular phenomena. For
example, he says that ancient unvoiced p, t, k became f,
th/d, h, in Old Germanic and f, th, h, in English; and ancient
voiced bh, dh, gh, became p, t, k, in Old German and voiced
b, d, g in English. Similarly he also gave examples of Latin, Greek
and Gothic etc., and also squeezed in some Sanskrit words telling the
change of consonants, like: ‘padas’ (Sanskrit), ‘podas’
(Greek), ‘pedis’ (Latin) and ‘fotus’ (Gothic); it all means
Following the guidelines of his contemporary Franz
Bopp, who had introduced his first important work in 1816 “Uber das
Conjugations-system der Sanskritsprache... (on the system of conjugation
of the Sanskrit language in comparison with Greek, Latin, Persian and
Germanic),” he compared the verb morphology structure of these
languages. Grimm advanced his work mainly towards reconstructing
Proto-Germanic language and then to its speculated source, the
Proto-Indo-European language.
Thus, the linguists like Bopp, Grimm and the others of
that period formulated the assumption of the first language of the world
which was named ‘Proto-Indo-European’ and it was supposed to have: 12 stop
consonants, p, t, k, k w, b, d,
g, gw, bh, dh, gh, ghw;
one sibilant, s; ablaut vowels a and long a, i and u; and six resonants
that worked as consonant and vowel as well, i, u, m, n, l, r. ‘Stop’ means
a momentary stoppage in the breath stream at some point in the vocal tract
while pronouncing that consonant. It was further assumed that that
language would have had three persons (lst, 2nd and 3rd), three numbers
(singular, dual and plural) and at least four tense aspects (present,
imperfect, perfect and aorist).
Gothic had three numbers (singular, dual and plural).
It was later on reduced to two, singular and plural; and the original
bh, dh and gh later on became b, d and g. In a
backward going process, words were also formed, like, modor
(mother) and froren (frozen) of Old English was constructed as
moder and frozenaz of Proto-Germanic and mater and
prusenos of Proto-Indo-European.
Franz Bopp (1791-1867). He was a German linguist
known for his works on tracing the phonetic laws of languages and
researching the origin of the grammatical forms of the words of various
languages. He was a professor of Oriental literature at the University of
Berlin and introduced his first work “On the System of Conjugation of the
Sanskrit…” in 1816. Working with Colebrooke, a close associate of Sir
William Jones and an active member of the Asiatic Society, he translated
Sanskrit manuscripts during his stay in London between 1816 and 1820. The
London Magazine gave an excellent review of his works. He
rejected the theories of the earlier linguists who held the view that
Sanskrit is the original language of the world and followed the
speculations of Mr. Jones. He published a Sanskrit and Latin glossary in
1830 and, between 1833 and 1852, he published his “Comparative Grammar
of Sanskrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Old Slavic, Gothic and
German.” All of his works were on the line of theorizing the statement
that Jones made in his Calcutta speech of 1786 to indicate that Sanskrit
is not the first language of the world. He was the main person who
emphatically used and popularized the term ‘Proto-Indo-European’ or
‘Indo-European’ since 1833, and especially mentioned in his work the
“Comparative Grammar…”
