(1) The unbroken continuity of Indian civilization and its history.
The history of a country is not only the
history of its ruling people, but it also includes the history of its
eminent spiritual personalities and their philosophies, without which the
history of that country is incomplete. As regards the history of India, it
is an entirely different situation because India (Bharatvarsh) is such a
place on the earth planet which is not much affected by the natural
calamities and disasters like the ice age and the prolonged spine
chilling, icy cold storms and blizzards that happen in America and the
European countries at the beginning and at the recessing period of these
ice ages. Thus, the history of the uninterrupted survival of the
civilization of India (although it may be localized in a small area of the
country) goes back to an unbelievable period of time which could easily be
said to be the beginning of the human civilization on the earth planet,
whereas the history of the other countries of the world is the history of
only 6,000 to 8,000 years.
Even today there are no physical means that could hold
or represent the information of the Indian history in its original form
without any flaw, fault, change or damage for such a long period of time.
It is beyond human power. At the same time, it is also very important
that, for the knowledge and the encouragement of the existing generation,
the glories of the past must be known to them. To solve this problem the
Divine power helps. The kind, merciful and Gracious God, Who is
omnipresent in the world and Who has evolved this universe for the good of
the mankind, from time to time, sends His eternal Saints on the earth
planet who maintain this knowledge with their Divine power and reproduce
it on the earth planet in the form of the books. That’s how the unbroken
continuity of the original records of the history is made possible to be
available in every generation of the human civilization. These revelations
also contain the knowledge of God, God realization, and its related
philosophy and literature.
A brief history of creation, and the Puranas.
With the will of God this universe comes into being
which was in its absolutely subtle state, residing dormant in God. Prior
to the dormant state it was in its evolved form as it is today; and this
system of creation of the universe and then its dissolution
into its dormant energy form has been perpetually going on since eternity.
It’s illogical to think that this world would have popped up like the
imagination of the Big Bang theory, and that some
day it might retreat and finish. Everything, whatever we observe today, is
perpetually ever-existing.
Now when the cosmos is created, souls need to be
produced which are also eternal and unlimited in number. At that time God
creates unlimited number of chief celestial god named Brahma, and, at the
same time, unlimited ‘spacial space pockets’ are created in the universe
which are occupied by one Brahma who then creates an earth planet and the
celestial worlds of gods and goddesses. All of this creation of one Brahma
is called one brahmand. There are an amazing number of
brahmandas along with an earth planet in every galaxy. Right before
the creation of the earth planet the cycles of ‘time’ are also formed
(which is the evolution of the ‘time’ energy) to induce the
progressiveness of the events and help maintain the total history of the
earth planet for trillions of years.
There are three cycles of time: (a) The smallest one is
called chaturyugi and it is of 4.32 million years, (b) the second
bigger one is called manvantar and it is of (4.32x1,000) ÷ 14
million years, and (c) the third one is of 4,320 million years. This
is called kalp, which is one day of Brahma. Brahma lives for 100
years x 360 days and nights of his life, which comes to 311.04 trillion
years. His present age is the 1st day of the 51st year, which is
155.521972 trillion years. Since then the history of Bharatvarsh
originates. The existing kalp started 1,972 million years ago and
the existing manvantar started 120 million years ago.
In the Puranas the events of the remote past, like the
early years of Brahma, are very briefly described; the events of the
present day of Brahma are described in detail; and the events of the last
part of this cycle, the age of kali, are further detailed. In this
way we have a continuous history of the important events of Bharatvarsh
(India) since the creation of the earth planet and up till today.