Saint Ved Vyas relating the Bhagwatam to Shukdeo (3100 B.C.)

The Encyclopedia of Authentic Hinduism by H.D. Swami Prakashanand Saraswati (the most important site on Hinduism, the Upanishads, modern Physics, Bhartiya, Sanatan Dharm and more)

(11) The Divine language of Bhartiya scriptures.

       The Divineness of Sanskrit language is self-evident. You don’t light up a candle to see the sun; just open your eyes and see it. But if you deliberately shut your eyes then how could you see the sun. Scriptures themselves tell about the eternal Divineness of the Sanskrit language and thousands of learned Saints and acharyas have already proclaimed its Divine authenticity. The first introductory verse of the Panini grammar tells that it came from God Shiv. Moreover, if you look from the historical and logical point of view, you will find that since the very first day the linguists have learned about the existence of the Sanskrit language, they have seen it in the same perfect form. No ‘sound shift,’ no change in the vowel system, and no addition was ever made in the grammar of the Sanskrit in relation to the formation of the words. It is in its totally perfect form since it landed on the earth planet with its 52 letter alphabet. As regards its vocabulary, it had abundance of words and its grammar had a capacity of creating any number of new words for a new situation or concept or thing, and the same we have up till today. Its alphabet, vowels and the exacting nature of the pronunciation of the letters and words were all perfect and the same since the very beginning.

There is no other example of the same kind in the world; and, in the last 5,000 years, since the Sumerians twittered the communicating words in a very limited scope and their wedge-shaped cuneiform writing came into existence, there was no such genius born who could produce a grammar as perfect as Sanskrit. Whereas all the languages of the world started from scratch with incomplete alphabet and vowels, not altogether of their own, borrowed from others to improve it, had only a few words in the beginning which were just enough for the people to communicate with each other, and it took a very long time to establish a proper literary form of that language. Even the advanced international language of today, the English language, when it took its roots from the West Germanic around 800 AD, it was in an absolutely primitive form. As it developed, it assimilated about 30% of its words from Latin and a lot of words from French and Greek. Slowly developing and improving its vocabulary, the style of writing and the grammar, from Old English (which had only two tenses) to Middle English, to Early Modern English, and then to Modern English, it took a very long time. As late as the beginning of the seventeenth century when its first dictionary was published in London in 1604 it had only 3,000 words, and the title of the dictionary was, “A Table Alphabetical, conteyning and teaching the true writing and understanding of hard unusual English wordes, borrowed from the Hebrew, Greeke, Latine or French & c.” Somewhat similar is the story of all the ancient and modern languages when they started from a very primitive stage of their literal representation with no regular grammar, because the proper grammar was introduced at a much later date when they reached to a significant level of communication.

If you look to the history of the languages of the world you will find that they went through a number of stages of their development. But the Sanskrit language (Article 30) was absolutely perfect by all means from the very beginning. Is it not enough evidence to understand that it is not man-made and it is a Divine gift? Now take a look into the history of the languages of the world and their writing systems.


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