Jones writes in “On the Gods of Greece,
Italy and India”,
“Since Gods of all shapes and
dimensions may be framed by the boundless powers of imagination, or by
the frauds and follies of men, in countries never connected; but, when
features of resemblance, too strong to have been accidental, are
observable in different systems of polytheism, without fancy or
prejudice to colour them and improve the likeness… It is my design,
in this Essay, to point out such a resemblance between the popular
worship of the old Greeks and Italians, and that of the Hindus.” (p.
“…drawing a parallel between the Gods
of the Indian and European Heathens.” (p. 190)
His writing clearly shows his atheistic views and a
deep scorn for Indian religion in his heart where he tries to demean all
the forms of our God by comparing them with the fictitious mythological
figures of the Greeks and Romans and calling everyone heathens.
He further proceeds and tells on pages 203 and 215 that
Goddesses Lakchmi, Parvati and Durga (Who are supreme Goddesses of
Vaikunth and have the ability of governing the whole universe) are like
Ceres, Juno and Minerva, respectively. Not only that, he writes that
‘Meru’ (the actual name is Sumeru which is a celestial hill) is the north
pole of this earth planet.
He compares the most important supreme
Divine Goddesses of Vaikunth with the imaginary non-vegetarian goddesses
of Homeric origin. But, hold your breath, if you have a regard for Bhagwan
Ram you may be shocked to read his statement where he says,
“RAMA and CRISHNA, must now be introduced, and their
several attributes distinctly explained. The first of them, I believe,
was the DIONYSOS of the Greeks.”
“The first poet of the Hindus was the great
VALMIC, and his Ramayan is an Epick Poem… comparison of the two
poems (the Dionysus and the Ramayan) would prove DIONYSUS and RAMA to
have been the same person; and I incline to think, that he was RAMA, the
son of CUSH, who might have established the first regular government in
this part of Asia.” (pp. 214, 221)
First look to his understanding where he says that Kush
was the Father of Ram. Every religious Indian knows that Bhagwan Ram had
two sons, Kush and Lav who ruled Bharatvarsh after Ram.
Now come to his main statement about comparing Bhagwan
Ram with Dionysus, which is like synonymizing Divinely blissful and
glorious daylight with the demonically scary, spooky, and darkest
Dionysus was an imaginary figure called the god of wine
and worldly enjoyments. The demented hilarity of the followers of the
diabolical Dionysian cult involved frenzied and worse than cannibalistic
Jones then condemns the history and the Divinity of
Manu. He writes,
“This epitome of the first Indian History…
though whimsically dressed up in the form of an allegory, seem to prove
a primeval tradition in this country of the universal deluge
described by MOSES, and fixes consequently the time when the
genuine Hindu Chronology actually begins.”
“We may suspect that all the fourteen MENUS are
reducible to one, who was called NUH by the Arabs, and probably
by the Hebrews; though we have disguised his name by an improper
pronunciation of it. Some near relation between the seventh MENU
and the Grecian MINOS may be inferred.” (pp. 198, 202)
The deluge of Moses which Jones mentions had happened
only about 5,000 years ago and the deluge mentioned in the Bhagwatam,
which was an occasional kalp pralaya, had happened 1,972 million
years ago. The 14 manvantar of separate Manus with their definitive
history is an established fact which is related to the 14 cycles of the
‘time’ element in a day of Brahma, whereas the
Grecian Minos, was only a legendary king of Crete around 2800 BC whose
history is unknown. A stone slab called Linear A was found at Crete which
is believed to be related to the Minoan culture. The script of Linear A is
still undeciphered.
Every historian knows that the Greek and Roman gods
were the imaginary figures, created by the primitive people of those
countries. He further says,
“…the whole crowd of gods and goddesses in ancient
Rome and modern Varanes, (Varanasi of India) mean only the
powers of nature, expressed in a variety of ways and by a multitude of
fanciful names.”
“Be all this as it may, I am persuaded, that a
connexion subsisted between the old idolatrous nations of Egypt,
India, Greece, and Italy, long before they migrated to
their several settlements.” (pp. 229, 232)
These two passages reveal the true format of the
planning of the British that they tried to execute, and they employed
their full resources to accomplish it for as long as they ruled India. (1)
The first passage indicates that they wanted to destroy the authenticity
and the theme of our scriptures which also includes our history, and (2)
the term ‘migration’ of the second passage clearly indicates that they had
already planned to establish a fallacy that Indians came from somewhere
else and migrated to India.
By the first act they wanted to degrade the Hindu
religion by all means and to show that the Hindu religion is no better
than the religion of Greeks and ancient Romans. They also wanted to prove
their imagined greatness of Christianity so that they could impose their
superiority upon us.
By the second act they wanted to prove that they
also had equal rights to live in India like the Hindus as both have come
from outside.
If we look to their doings, during the period they
ruled India, with this angle of view, everything becomes crystal clear.
• In January 1784, the
Asiatic Society of Bengal was established in Calcutta under the patronage
of Warren Hastings and Sir William Jones was appointed its President. Its
main purpose was to find ways of how to accomplish their secret aims
mentioned above. Its literary works were published in the name of “Asiatic
1784 • Towards the end of 1784 Jones produced his
first essay (described above) which was the first most important work of
the Asiatic Researches.
1786 • On 2nd February 1786, Jones, in his
Presidential speech, produced his new fabricated theory of some unknown
protolanguage that was designed to disprove the authenticity and the
first originality of the Sanskrit language, and to create a ground for
fabricating another theory of Aryan invasion.
1793 • Jones in his 10th Presidential speech
discredits our entire history as described in the Puranas and places
Chandragupt Maurya as the contemporary of Alexander by falsely telling
that he was no other than Sandracottus of 312 BC.
1816 • Jones died in 1794 but in 8 years he could
not produce the full thesis of his created theory of some unknown
protolanguage. Another coworker of the Asiatic Researches group of
people, Franz Bopp (see pp.180-181) worked hard for his whole life
and then produced his first work in 1816 and the detailed work around 1852
to substantiate the ideology of Proto-Indo-European language which Jones
had created.
1828 • All the articles of the Asiatic Researches
including the writings of its secretary Mr. Wilson (1828) were purposely
designed to be extremely derogatory and produced falsified descriptions of
Hindu religion and history.
1828 • In 1828 an atheistic society, contempting
the personality of God, called the Brahmo Samaj, was formed in Calcutta.
Its founder and coworker received great appreciation by the British and
were heartily welcomed in England and were praised by Max Müller and other
writers of that group.
1847 • Max Müller was appointed by the East India
Company to wrongly translate the theme of the Vedas and construct a wrong
history of India. He was highly paid for this job. (Max Müller’s letters
themselves reveal this secret.)
1866 • In 1866, a professor of Calcutta Sanskrit
College, Pandit Taranath, was given a lot of money on a contract basis to
compile the largest Sanskrit dictionary and to wrongly interpret certain
Vedic words to suit the derogatory theory which the British had fabricated
against the Vedic religion.
1922 • F.E. Pargiter, retired I.C.S. (Indian Civil
Service) Calcutta, was appointed to write the wrong history of India. All
the history writers of that period (like Smith, Keith etc.) were
also assigned to write the wrong history of India, squeezing it into the
frame of their fictitious story of Aryans coming to India.
From the above account you can clearly understand how
well planned was their scheme.